Privacy Slats HDPE Technical Properties
HDPE Technical Properties
Property: Value:
Melt Index (.6) A low melt index indicates improved stress and crack resistance.
Density (.957) Polyethylene ranges anywhere from .914 to .960 in density.
A higher density yields maximum stiffness without becoming overly brittle.
Minimum Temp. (-76° F) Polyethylene stays flexible even at this temperature extreme.
Maximum Temp. (250° F) Polyethylene does not distort until reaching this temperature.
Tensile Strength. (3,700 psi) Material will not suffer distortion at lesser loads or impacts.
The Bottom Lock product is extruded from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), color pigments and ultra violet (UV) inhibitors, specifically designed to retard the harmful effects of the sun and lengthen the life of the product.
Pexco PDS® HDPE Fence Products are resistant to: severe weather conditions, salt water, sand, road dirt, most acids, alcohol, alkaline, ammonia, petroleum distillates and common environmental pollutants.
Pressure cleaning of surface contaminants is quickly accomplished with plain water.
Wind load Disclaimer:
Pexco will not be responsible for fence damage resulting from wind load conditions due to insufficient structural support.